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今天能夠與大家見面非常開心!!平時幾乎沒有機會見到大家,但是在活動中我知道了別的國家的灘塗與黑面琵鷺的事情,非常開心。 福岡的灘塗看起來怎麼樣?!希望大家能夠過來玩。雖然福岡沒法近距離看到黑面琵鷺,但是有很多螃蟹,沙蟲和鳥類。我們也希望以後能夠去大家哪裡玩! 期待著之後與大家再次見面!! 再見!!나시!!またね!!


중국, 한국, 대만의 친구들에게
이번에 모두와 만나서 기뻤어요! 좀처럼 만날 기회가 적은데, 다른 나라의 갯벌이나 저어새에 대해서 알게 되어서 기뻤습니다. 후쿠오카의 갯벌은 어땠나요?! 꼭 모두가 봐 주면 좋겠어요. 후쿠오카에는 가까이서 저어새를 볼 수 없지만, 게나 갯지렁이, 새가 많이 있어요. 우리도 다음에 여러분이 사는 곳에 가고 싶어요! 또 만나서 이야기나누길 기대하고 있을게요! 다시 또 만나요!
후루사와 유키코


It was nice to meet everyone this time. I didn't have many opportunities to meet everyone, but I was happy to learn about tidal flats and black-faced spoonbills in other countries. How was the tidal flats in Fukuoka? I would love for everyone to see it. In Fukuoka, you can't see black-faced spoonbills up close, but there are many kinds of crabs, lugworms, and birds. We also want to go to everyone's place next time. I look forward to meeting and talking with you again!
Yukiko Furusa

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